‘Tis the Season of Accumulation


As much as I love Christmas, it can get incredibly overwhelming when I look around on Christmas night and see the massive piles of new toys, games, clothing, gadgets, etc. all looking for a new place to belong in our home.

A bundle of toys (in a Trader Joe’s bag) to fling on his back… happy Christmas to ALL, and to ALL a good night!

I’m of the school of thought that for something new to come in, something old must go out, so when my amazingly in-tuned husband came across the Lifehacker article, 
“Leave Old Toys Under the Tree for Santa to Deliver to Other Kids” by Meghan Moravcik Walbert, it became clear what we could do before the overwhelming feelings reared their heads!

My girls picking toys with care

When we explained to our girls how there are so many children around the world who aren’t as fortunate as they are to receive so much from both Santa and their parents for Christmas, they were immediately on board with wanting to give what they could to make another child smile. Though the scale in which their donated items will reach are far closer to home, I’m proud of the fact that they are learning (early) the importance of giving over receiving.